Monday, December 21, 2020

Eternal Quest


I have chiselled lifeless rocks into lively idols,

I imbibed many scriptures and its ideals,

I ran behind the Jesus of Nazareth,

Heard about Commandments of Mohammed, the Prophet.

I was chasing dreams for eons,

An ordeal of many life times,

Hard earned merits, in all its force,

To realise that very Supreme Source.

I was a thirsty traveller, since ages,

Awaiting the arrival of seers and sages,

Counting those twinkling stars,

Predicting the Presence of Avatars.

Moving over oceans, deserts, hills, vales,

This quest often baffling with mystified tales,

My spirit travelled many places,

Traditions, cultures and many more phases.

Finally my restless heart and ageless soul,

Reached the ultimate goal,

To the wirepuller of this Cosmic Stage,

In a small humble village,

Lord of Cosmos, gliding in smiles,

Transforming overall human lifestyles.

I was overwhelmed too, with this boon,

After striving night and noon,

Reaching the Presence of our Beloved Swami,

For which I have pined tirelessly.

Like a bee reaches out to the flower of honey,

Like a miser who is joyous of his money,

Like a wave that tries to reach,

In all its means, to kiss, the sands of beach,

Like a seed beneath the crust, battling to win,

The tinkling rays of blazing sun.

Taking births in multifarious regions,

Adoring Gods of distinct religions,

Finally near the Lord of Lords,

I am lost in bliss, hearing His nectarine words.

In this soul searching, since times immemorial

This life time remains very much memorable,

By pulling the curtains down to this Eternal Quest,

At Bhagawan's Holy Presence I quench my thirst.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~

(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

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