Bhagawan: In my opinion, there is nothing like worry. If you enquire in depth, you will know that there is no worry at all in this world. It is merely psychological. Worry is fear mentally created. That is all! Nothing more! It is all your imagination.
At times, you feel guilty. So you worry remembering your past, which is beyond recovery. By no effort can you recover it. Past is past. Then why worry about the past? Is there any sense in it? You may worry about the future. This is also useless in my opinion. Why? Because the future is uncertain, anything may happen. Who knows? The future is unknown. Why then should you worry about the future? What do you gain by that?
Understand clearly that everything is in the present. It is not simple present, it is omnipresent. How? In the present lies the results of the past. The present is the foundation of the future. The seed of today is out of the tree you grew yesterday, and it will germinate and grow into a tree tomorrow. So, worry is useless. Hence, never worry about anything.
(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol.1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)
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