Monday, January 25, 2021

10 Pounds More!

One lady wanted to go to Parthi and to that end, went to ask her husband for permission. But he would not let her go because he felt that she became thinner each time she came back from Parthi. She promised him that she would eat regularly and agreed to take a lot of tinned food and thus got her permission. 

But, once at Parthi,  she got so engrossed in listening to the discourses and attending Bhajans that she forgot to partake of the edibles she packed from home. As a result, she became much thinner. Just before returning to Bangalore, she asked Swami earnestly, "Please make me look fat in my husband's eyes. It does not matter how I look in the eyes of other people". 

Swami was greatly amused by the prayer. He laughed, called other devotees and they also had a hearty laugh at her expense. Swami, however, sent her back with His blessings. When she reached Bangalore, the first thing her husband told her was that she had miserably become thinner. 

The next day, while going to a picture house, he asked her to step onto one of the way-side weighing machines. When she stepped onto the machine, the machine actually showed an increase of 10 pounds. Puzzled and suspecting the machine to be faulty, he got onto the machine himself and found his weight to be exact. 

Thus she was spared from the anger of her husband, and more importantly, got permission from her husband to visit Parthi whenever she wanted to.

(From: "Experiences of Devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba")

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