Monday, January 25, 2021

Sai Wit and Wisdom - Count Yourself Also


Baba told this story at Kodaikanal, about the importance of the Atma.

Once, ten stupid men had to swim across a river.  When they reached the other side, one of them asked the other nine men to stand in a line so that he could count and make sure that no one had drowned.  He counted the nine men in front of him and was sad that one was missing.  To double check, he asked another man to count and he joined the line.  The second person too excluded himself and counted the other nine men.  They started to cry believing that one of them has drowned.

A passerby solved their problem by pointing out that the counting man should count himself also.

Baba told us to first see ourselves deep in the Atma, and then turn to the world.

(From the book "Wit and Wisdom of Sri Sathya Sai" compiled by P. Gurumoorthy)

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