Saturday, January 16, 2021

Sai Wit & Wisdom - Kid's Play

On the morning of 29 July 1994, Swami called the UK Group together with a young man (who looked like one of Swami's students) and his father for an interview.

Swami on an earlier occasion had materialised a stone diamond ring for the young man.  During the interview, Swami called the young man who was sitting at the back, to come forward and said, "The ring is a little tight on your finger, give it back to me and I will make it a bit bigger so that it fits you perfectly."

Then just as Swami was about to blow on the ring to change its size, He said, "No, I will change the ring completely."  Swami showed the original ring to some of the boys and men from the UK Group, and then He blew on the ring 3 times, and changed not only the size of the ring but also the style.  Once again Swami showed the new ring to the same boys and men to confirm that He had changed the ring.

At that moment in time, a young boy (about 10 years old) was so amazed at what Swami had just done that he sat up straight and looked very astonished.  At
that point, Swami turned towards this little boy and said, "Shall I change you into a little girl?"  Still speechless but now looking a little frightened, the little boy shook his head to indicate "No", at which point everyone in the room burst out laughing ... except the little boy!"

(From the book "Wit and Wisdom of Sri Sathya Sai" and narrated  by Ms. Saroj Patel)


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