Sunday, January 17, 2021

Sathya Sai Baba

A fabulous blend of Cosmic Energy,

And supreme light, embodied

Into a blue ball of blazing flame,

Entered the womb of Mother Easwaramma.

When Arudra star was ruling the sky

On auspicious Monday, twenty third November,

In nineteen hundred and twenty six,

The formless encapsulated into form.

The tiny hamlet gained the glow

Of the unmatchable grandeur of Ayodhya,

Because the very same Rama, incarnated,

As Sai Rama for the redemption of this world.

The incoming of this Avatar,

Was exalted centuries ago,

In undated scriptures by many seers and sages,

Extolling the resplendence of His charming face.

A crown of hair upon His forehead,

A sweet voice and orange robe, they said,

Now, all their scripture's claims were fulfilled,

Since The Phoenix had finally come.

Whatever He spoke became the truth,

All that He touched turned to gold,

 Every caring step which He took

Became landmarks upon the sands of time.

Akin to the same old Krishna

He stole the hearts of onlookers,

With His Divine pull that spared none,

Gathering countless devotees whose hearts He won.

He came to fulfil the vision of Saints,

He came to fuel the inherent spark of Divinity,

So that its rising flames would consume,

Those intricately designed shackles of vices.

Thus, He came, He saw, He conquered,

The entire humanity with His redeeming love,

Making His very descent from Godhood,

An inspiration for the ascent of mankind.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~

(From his book "108 Heartbeats")

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