It was a beautiful evening. Darshan time in Prashanti. The captivating music was in the air and the gentle breeze was making it even more enjoyable! After the long wait through the lines and tokens, it was like Heaven to be sitting in the front row, awaiting the Master's arrival.
All the ladies were packed a dozen to an inch with no gap in-between. And guess who came? A lady Sevadal to ensure that we were packed close enough! She was a stern old lady seeming to speak only Telugu. She came straight to a lady sitting near me (she was from a foreign country) and commanded her: "Ae Amma Deggara Koorcho, Deggara Koorcho."
The foreigner, already tired and exhausted, said: "Well, how much more can I Koorcho, I am Koochoing already, I cannot Koorcho any more!" At this, a lovely smile lit up on the volunteer's face and she nodded an understanding OK and moved on.
Everyone around us burst out laughing! Immediately it made me think about the use of language for communication. I remembered Swami's words - "There is only one language, the language of the heart". It made me realize that understanding is really beyond the realm of language. So many ways He chooses to bring home the point! Oh, how sweet it is!
~ Latha Swaminathan ~
(Source: Sanathana Sarathi - Feb. 1997)
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