Sunday, February 21, 2021

Lessons from God


It was a beautiful summer's day.  I love its glorious colours and scented flowers.  I was busy digging and preparing our garden.  I love gardening, planting flowers and at the same time praying or chanting mantras!

I was so engrossed in praying and digging, I suddenly noticed I had killed a worm.  My ecstasy faded away quickly when I saw the worm writhing away in pain.  As tears rolled down my cheeks, I asked God for forgiveness.

Sai Baba appeared looking at me - "I am very upset, I have killed a worm," I told Him.  "I don't want to do any more gardening - Baba, it's not for me, You do it from now on!"

Baba: "Amarjit, the prayers you were chanting while gardening have reduced much of your Karma for killing the worm, and as you were praying with purity in your heart, the worm's soul has been liberated.  Be aware, with every breath you are also killing countless organisms which is why you must always be focused with God.  Praying with a pure heart at all times thus forgives you much Karma while killing these organisms, insects and worms!

Carry on gardening, this too is part of your awakening, but be focused on the Divine at all times, remember always: Be divine love and have unconditional love for all - even inert objects!"  Saying this, Sai Baba disappeared.

Another step on the ladder - another lesson from God - enlightenment is certainly not an easy path!

(Source: SBOI Group)

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