Monday, February 8, 2021

Share Your Love

This happened during the 60th Birthday celebrations of our Beloved Bhagawan.  Some of the students were given an opportunity to decorate the Prasanthi Mandir at that time. The previous night, some of the boys worked till 3.30 am  early morning and then left for the hostel to catch up with some sleep.  

However, one  of the boys returned to Mandir by 5.30 am to catch  an extra glimpse of Bhagawan and so he went straight to the upper floor of the the Mandir as they were permitted, being part of that elite decoration group.  As he waited there, exactly at 6 am in the morning, Bhagawan's door opened and Swamy Karunyananda was the first to take  Swamy's Padnamaskar, followed by a few elders of Prasanthi Nilayam.

As they moved on, Swami noticed this boy standing on the other side of the door.  So, He called him near and said, "See, so many devotees are vying to catch a glimpse of My Hair.  And here you are, when I am giving you Padnamaskar on the 60th Birthday morning."  Feeling highly blessed, the boy asked Swamy very innocently, "Swami, what can I offer to You on this day?  Please take something." 

Swami responded,  "Bangaroo, just be good."   The boy insisted, "No, Swami, please tell me."  Since he was insistent, Swami stretched His Hand out and said, "Will you give what I want?  Will you promise Me?"  The boy immediately responded by putting his hand on top of Swami's stretched Hand, "Yes, Swami." 

Swami reiterated,  "You should keep up  your promise"  Then Swami continued,  "THE LOVE WHICH YOU HAVE RECEIVED FROM ME, SHARE IT WITH OTHERS".  This is the promise which Swami extracted from the student that day.

(From the collection of  Sri Sathya Sai Bhagawatham)

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