Saturday, April 24, 2021

Dear Lord ...

 Dear Lord,

When I was a little girl, I prayed every night
and shared all my secrets with You.
As the years went by,
I continued to sing Your name in praise;
You still are my closest and dearest friend.

You taught me how to laugh, to care and to give.
You taught me to help ever, hurt never.
O Lord, please stay in my heart forever!

I see You in the flowers and trees,
I see You in a mother's smile,
I see You in a caring heart
and in all the faces I meet.
Your love is all I shall ever need!

When I made my first trip to Prashanti Nilayam,
my heart was filled with bliss as You walked amongst us,
Your robe aflame in the evening sun.

When You came near and looked into my eyes,
I knew not time nor space.
All I yearned for was Your love and grace.

I made many a trip to Puttaparthi
just to see Your smiling face.
I wanted so much to be close to You.

I spent many happy days in Your abode,
looking forward to Your darshan every day.
I shall never forget Your love,
compassion and gentle ways.

Time has passed by very quickly since those days,
I pray for Your forgiveness for my erring ways.
If I can continue to serve and ease another's pain,
then Dear Lord,
I will not have lived my life in vain.

~ namaste 1081 ~

24th April 2021

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