Friday, April 30, 2021

Scintillating Moments with Sai

Another experience that I wish to share with you happened in Kodaikanal. We were all seated at the breakfast table and by my side was one gentleman by name Mohan Das. A very good gentleman of my age group and both of us usually sit together. 

Swami walked slowly up to us and said
 'What is the breakfast?' 

Then I replied, 'Swami, poori and idli.'

'Oh I see' said Swami, 'Good, good' and looked at the plate.

Then Swami came close to Mohan Das and picked up one poori saying, 'It is well done' and tore it at the centre. A diamond ring appeared there! Swami put it on Mohan Das' finger!

Watching all this I started to eat slowly. Bhagavan asked me why I was eating slowly? I replied,

'Swami who knows there may be a diamond ring in my poori also. I want to be extra careful so that it does not get stuck in my gullet by accident!'

Baba reposted, 'I am not going to give - ask your mother-in-law!'

So I saw the materialisation out of a poori ! Anything can happen at anytime.

(By Prof. K. Anil Kumar from his talk on 13th July 2004 in the Divine Presence taken from "Experiences by Devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba")

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