"Man deserves to enjoy peace and bliss but does not make the necessary effort to get them. If he cultivates love and faith, he will acquire peace and bliss. Without these two, his effort is as fruitless as a letter which has neither a stamp nor the proper address.
With love and faith in Swami, you can accomplish any task you undertake. Observe three maxims: Love of God, Fear of Sin, Morality in Society. To develop love of God, you have to see whether every act of yours pleases God or not. When you please God, you will have no fear of sin. When these two are present, morality in society will follow naturally.
All the ills of the world today are due to absence of fear of sin and decline in love for God. Decline in respect for human values has undermined world peace.
When the Lord's name is chanted from the depths of the heart, it turns into the nectarine music of Krishna's flute, which charmed even the cows of Brindavan. The melody that flows from the devotee's heart confers ineffable bliss."
~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse 25.1.1998)
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