Friday, April 8, 2022

Blessed Sri Rama Navami

"The entire Ramaayana is like a game of chess. The scene, in the Ramayana, is a kind of battlefield, where the forces of right and wrong are waging war. Rama represents righteousness and Ravana represents unrighteousness. The battle between the two is the war fought on the battlefield.

Ravana taught a great lesson to the world. He exclaimed: "Oh men! Do not live as I have lived and ruin your lives." What is the root cause of Ravana's ruin? Unable to conquer his desires, unwilling to get rid of his impulses, he ruined his entire clan. His sons were killed, his brother and other kinsmen were killed, and ultimately his country itself was reduced to ashes. Ravana confessed, "In the end I ruined myself." This was Ravana's message to his countrymen in his last moments.

Only by suppressing desires does a man manifest his humanness. A man who is unable to put an end to his desires puts an end to himself.

By his good conduct, a good man achieves greatness. Ravana sought to achieve greatness but did not strive to lead a good life."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse: 16-4-1997)

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