Thursday, April 21, 2022

Sai - The Epitome of Love and Mercy

In spite of His merriment and miracles, there were some who harboured ill will towards the young Sathya Sai Baba.  They even went to extreme measures to test Him.

One woman in the neighbourhood beckoned Him away from Subbamma for a breakfast of poisoned food.  Knowing what was coming, Baba ate her lethal vadas with relish.  His blood became toxic and his body turned blue.  When concerned neighbors, suspicious of the woman's intentions, arrived on the scene, Baba calmly asked for a glass of water.  When He touched the tumbler, the water became blue and Baba recovered.  Ever a teacher of right action, Sathya Sai refused to let the family members retaliate.

One night, a group of men locked Baba's room from the outside and set it ablaze!  Bhagavan has told us He laughed through the window assuring the concerned children outside and exhorting them to have faith.

He told them: "Don't worry!  Since we are protecting Truth and Righteousness, they will in turn protect us."

In a few seconds, there was a downpour but only on the burning structure.  All else remained dry.  The rain put out the fire.  Once again, Sai Baba simply demonstrated a spirit of forgiveness and mercy to the men who had committed the deed.  With tears of remorse in their eyes, the repentent men carried the young Baba on their shoulders.

Subbamma reported said to them: "You consider this boy to be an ordinary village urchin.  He is not.  In truth, He is a Thunderbolt!"

(Source: SSSMC)

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