Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spirituality and Science

Q129: Swami!  We hear of cellular phones and remote controls everywhere.  All the necessities of our worldly existence seem to be from electronics and computers, drawing the attention of everyone.  How does the subject of Spirituality come into the picture here?  Where is the time for it?  As if this is not enough, we hear of nuclear tests also.  How are we to co-ordinate and integrate these diverse aspects?  Kindly show us the way.

Bhagawan: Men are more valuable than all the wealth of the world.  Having been born as human beings, you should strive to attain moksha.

Science and Technology can provide you many comforts and conveniences.  They can't confer on you peace and bliss.  What is Science?  What is Spirituality?  What is the difference between the two?  Science is below the senses.  Spirituality is above the senses.  Spirituality speaks of tat, that, and Science speaks of tvam, you, so as to make you learn tattvamasi, That thou art.  This is nature, world, or prakrti.  That is purusa or God.

Spirituality is like the letter 'O' which is full and complete, whereas Science is like the letter 'C' which is incomplete with a hollow space within, starting at one point and ending elsewhere.  Spirituality begins where Science ends and it takes you from the world to God.  Spirituality makes you feel and experience divinity in this world.  This is the way to integrate Science and Spirituality.  Spirituality is the unseen principle behind the apparent electronic or scientific gadgets and equipment.

(From "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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