Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Baba's Storytime - The Gash on the Back

There lived on the banks of the sacred Ganga a poor brahmin, who was an ardent student of the Bhagavad Gîtâ. He read it every day; he worshipped the Book and he tried to live according to its teachings. But his faith was sorely tried, for he was immersed in distressing poverty. His bowl was seldom filled; he and his wife were on half ration all the time.

One day, while overcome by grief at his misery, his eye fell on the 22nd s'loka of the 9th chapter, where the Lord assures that He will bear the burden of all who take refuge in Him. He felt that in his case, the assurance was a hoax and so he took his pen and dipping it in red ink, he struck out the exasperating line! Somewhat relieved of anger, he rose and went out with his bowl.

But of those persons who concentrate on nothing else but Me
and who are fixed in devotion in proper worship,
I protect the union and to them I carry what they need
B.G. 9: 22]

Before long, two boys, brothers by appearance, the younger of darker hue, came to his door, with a bag of rice and a basin of other sundry provisions. The wife was surprised because they insisted all of it was for her and her husband! She found a bleeding gash on the back of the younger boy and when she asked him who had inflicted the cruel wound, the reply was: "Your husband". How could he lose temper so much as to stab such a charming child, she wondered. But the brothers disappeared in a flash.

The husband knew nothing about the bleeding boy. He pleaded innocence. He wondered who could have sent them help. His head was in a whirl. As always, he turned to the Gîtâ for consolation. The Book opened on the 9th chapter, s'loka 22. Ah! His eye fell on the angry gash he had drawn on that page, across that line.

That pen had gashed S'rî Krishna's back! His want of faith had "wounded" Him so. He ran about like mad to discover the Boy to fall at His feet, crying for mercy. But He could not be found.

So, have faith in the assurance of the Lord; when He says: "Why fear, I am here", He means it. When He says: "I look to you, when you look to Me", He means it.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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