Thursday, May 19, 2022

Brahma and Bhrama


Q127: Swami!  What are brahma and bhrama?

Bhagawan: To realise and experience unity in diversity is "brahma", divinity.  That which is bound by name and form is bhrama.  Brahma transcends time and space, and is eternal and unsullied.  You know many sweets such as gulabhamun, laddu, jilebi, basundi, etc.  These sweets have their names and forms.  This is bhrama.  But they are made of sugar, which is one and the same.  This is brahma.

Another example.  You see cloth which is made of yarn closely interwoven.  This is bhrama.  Though the yarn is apparently different from the cloth, it is after all made of the same cotton only.  This approach is Brahma.  So bhrama, illusion, is multiplicity, plurality, diversity and has different names and forms, while brahma, divinity, is unity, the fundamental primordial principle.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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