Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Conversations with Sai - Be Happy


H: Swami said that it is man's duty to be happy.

Sai: Happiness is essential for God-realization.  It is one of the major gates to divinity.  It is not just a fault if a person is not happy; it is one of the most serious of all faults.  It is a barrier to Realization.

Mostly, people are unhappy because of worldly pursuits, attachments, enjoyments.  Too much interested in the world.  To get free of this fault, a person has to be told of the seriousness of the fault.  He should realise that desire is never-ending, like the waves of the sea.

H: Swami says that pleasure or happiness is the interval between two sorrows.  What is the implication?

Sai: Pleasure is an interval between two sorrows.  Remove the sorrow and only pleasure and delight remain.  But nobody troubles to find the cause of sorrow.  It is like the lady who went to look for a lost needle under the street lamp because there was no light in the house where she had lost the article.  The house is lit by the light of wisdom.  The lost item must be found where it was lost.  Actually, sorrow and pain are caused by desire.  The cure is to use that same desire and turn it to God, to desire God.  Instantly, suffering will cease because the cause, turning from God to worldly desire, has been eliminated.  The incidents that caused sorrow will cease to cause sorrow.  If a person called "my" suffers, there is a direct pain in oneself.  But if one's desire is for God only, that pain will cease.

H: But one suffers also because of the pain he is aware of in another.

Sai: The suffering one feels for other people whom one sees suffering, is from imagination.  That sympathetic suffering will leave but the sympathy remains.  Compassion is when love is mobile and flows.  Personal love is when love is not mobile but remains fixed on husband, wife, child, etc.  Devotion is that free mobile flow of love to God.

(Source: SSSMC)

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