Monday, June 20, 2022

Conversations with Sai - Marriage


H: Why does Swami conduct a marriage ceremony for older people who are long married?

Sai: In India, at age 60, people have a second marriage as rebirth of the marriage into spiritual life directed to God and not concerned with the senses.  Prior to age 60, the couple were entitled to enjoy the fruits of the senses.  At the age of 70, seven also has a significance.  There are seven great Rishis and at age 70, a person should be merged with these saints.  At age 80, there are eight Deities reigning over the directions.  At age 80, we should be merged with these Deities.  At age 90, there are nine special plants, and we should be merged with them.  At age 100, one should be master of the five working organs and the five sense organs and should be merged with God.  The five working organs are talking, walking, rejecting (excrement), procreating and eating.  The five sense organs are hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell.

(Source: SSSMC)

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