Thursday, June 30, 2022

Simple Truth - Omnipresence


"Once a Guru sent a pupil for further guidance to a mendicant (Siddha purusha) in a Shiva temple.  When he reached the temple, he found the fellow reclining in the central shrine with both his legs resting on the sacred Lingam.  The pupil was naturally enraged at the man's insolence.  When he spoke angrily against his behaviour, the man said, "Please lift my legs and place them where the Lingam is not."  When the pupil did so, there was a Lingam under the man's feet in the new position.  Wherever he placed the man's legs, a Lingam rose to give them rest!  That was the lesson.  God is everywhere; only win the vision to see Him so."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Loving Pearl No. 1143)

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