Thursday, July 7, 2022

Baba' Storytime - Lesson From S'iva


S'iva is the supreme exemplar of serenity! S'iva according to the Purânas, has a curious assortment of family members. Yet, each one is so calm and without agitation, that the Divine Family exists in peace and concord. 

S'iva has snakes on His arms, round His neck, on His head, around His waist! One of His sons, Kumara rides on a peacock, which attacks snakes; another rides on a mouse, which the snakes feed on! One son has the head of the elephant, which whets the appetite of the lion, which is the vehicle used by Dûrga, the consort of S'iva, who is so inseparable that she is the left half of the body of S'iva Himself. Nor is the lion friendly by nature to the bull, which Lord S'iva Himself has as His vehicle!

S'iva has fire on the central point of His brow, and water (the river Ganges) on His head - incompatibles both! Imagine how loving, how cooperative the various components have to be to render life on Kailas smooth and happy?

It all depends on the mind and its proper discipline. The weapon of love will disarm every opponent. Love begets love. It will be reflected back, it will have only love as reaction. Shout 'Love'; the echo from the other person's heart will also be 'Love'.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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