Friday, July 22, 2022

Conversations with Sai - Devotion in Modern Times


H: Swami, are there such complete devotees living today, such as Jayadeva and Chaitanya?

Sai: Oh yes, there are.  But mostly they contain the devotion within themselves.  Sometimes it shows and the world judges the person to be of unsound mind.  Swami has encountered such devotees but He does not grant interviews.  But the people live filled with joy.  There was one such, a rani, a queen, who was encountered a few years ago.  It was not appropriate to the situation to grant interview.

H: Is it possible for a Western person to be such a great bhaktha?

Sai: Oh, yes, quite possible.

H: But Swami, for an office holder who has Swami's work to do in the world, which is the best bhakthi?

Sai: The same.

H: But how could one do work if he were like that?

Sai: It is quite possible to do work and at the same time be the highest bhaktha.  It is the feeling that is important, for the work.  Even in the case of Jayadeva and Chaitanya, their influence was widespread.

H: Swami, it seems to be the case that from the time of Krishna to Sathya Sai, there has been no opportunity ...

Sai (interrupting): Time?  I am Krishna!  Where is time?

H: Swami, I mean between the time of the Krishna body and the Sathya Sai body, there has been no opportunity to have God Himself as one's guru.

Sai: Until the Shirdi body.

H: Then, Swami, this has to be the best time for persons to be born?

Sai: Yes, the very best time - even better than during the lifetime of the Krishna body.

(Source: SSSMC)

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