Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Human Life


             "Understand that you are born as a human being, not as an insect or a worm. Neither are you an animal, a bird or a beast. You should understand the meaning of the word Manava. Ma means not , and Nava means new. You are not here for the first time. You are not new to this earth. You have gone through a number of births before attaining this human birth.

              Human life is highly sacred and mysterious. Only God can unravel its mystery. Vishweswara (the Lord of the universe) permeates the entire viswa ( universe). He transcends all descriptions. He is present in you in the form of Atma. Give up the feeling of ‘mine ‘. Once you get rid of such worldly attachment, you will develop purity, steadiness and selflessness. 

             You will be free from suffering, worries and anxiety. Ultimately, you will attain moksha (liberation)." 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

 (SSS Vol. 39, Ch.3)

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