Thursday, July 14, 2022

Sai: The Supreme Doctor


My mother had suffered chronic pain in her stomach. When she was taken to the army hospital, the doctors said that she had to undergo a very major operation. She had to get her uterus removed. 

My father sent a letter immediately to Swami through the State President of Simla [in Northern India]. Meanwhile on March 8th, 1986, my mother was admitted to the army hospital.

Swami took the letter, read it, and said, “Let the operation take place.” Without delay the State President flew back to Delhi and gave my father the news. My mother was put in room number 18 and on March 18th she was to be operated upon. My father took all precautions and put a framed photo of Swami in the operation room. The 18th came soon and a beautiful fragrance filled the hospital.

My mother was going to the operating theater when a doctor came up to her and showed my mother a ring of Shirdi Sai. My mother stared at it and was praying hard to Swami. The Doctor said, “You pray to your Sai and I pray to my Sai.”

The surgery took place and it was  successful. The doctor came out and gave the good news to my father. The doctors said that only Swami could have performed such a difficult surgery. My mother, after some days, wanted to thank the doctor who showed her the Shirdi Sai ring. She enquired about the doctor by giving his description. The other doctors were startled and said that there was no doctor like that! On the 27th of March she got discharged from the hospital.

My father wanted to thank Swami for the surgery, so he came to Parthi. Swami was in Brindavan when he arrived. But Swami came back the very next day after his arrival. Swami called my father for an interview. In the interview Swami smiled and said that Swami was very happy. 

The next words were really thrilling. Swami said, “Operation, I have done; your wife called and I came, didn’t a doctor tell your wife, ‘You pray to your Sai and I pray to my Sai!!’? I was the Doctor,” Swami declared.

My father was overjoyed. Tears rolled down his cheeks. Then Swami continued, “See, Sai is perfect, your wife’s stitching, see, no pus, nothing, Sai is perfect. There was no life in the body. Swami came. The doctors, while performing the operation, thought why did they take up such a major operation, and after nine days they discharged her.”

Yes, this is the glory of the Lord. He is the supreme doctor. If you have noticed, my mother was in room number 18 (1+8=9). She was operated on the 18th. She was discharged on the 27th (2+7=9). My father said that the total expenditure on the operation also summed up to nine. This is the experience I wanted to share with you.

~Rishi Bharadwaj

Class X, Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School

Source: Sai Nandana 1985 (60th Birthday Issue) Posted in "Sai Sarathi"

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