Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Noble Qualities


Q82: Swami!  It is our common experience that some of us are quite good for some time, devoted, disciplined and dutiful especially when we are here in your proximity.  Then, why do we change when we are somewhere else?  What happens to all that we learn here?  Why do we lose sacred qualities like sincerity, devotion and steadfastness when we are away?  Kindly pardon our mistakes and let us know the causes of our downfall.

Bhagawan: This is a wrong statement.  Sincerity, devotion, discipline, steadfastness and all the noble qualities that you claim to have possessed while you are here are not true and natural.  They are artificial.  They are like plastic flowers that are not fragrant and cannot attract bees.  It is all your show or trick.  God is never carried away by these artificial, temporary and external features.  God looks into your heart and internal nature.

You say that circumstances change you.  If noble qualities were really present in you, you wouldn't change due to the change of circumstances.  No change in the environment will ever effect you.  Truly, the mistake lies in you only.  You don't have strong faith and conviction.  In fact, the seeds are there lying underground and are waiting to sprout at an appropriate time.  Environment has no legs and hands and life to move about like you!

You are now here in Kodaikanal.  You are fully clothed with sweaters and shawls, rugs and blankets and all the woollen stuff to keep you warm in this cold place.  If you don't have warm clothes, whose fault is it?  Whom would you blame then?  Similarly, you know how challenging and testing life is in the world today.  It is your own responsibility to carry with you the blanket of duty, the rug of devotion and wear the sweater of discipline whenever you are exposed to the severe cold winds of neglect of duty, disobedience of God's commands, and vagaries of ego and disbelieve.  Wearing this warm woollen clothing, you will not be affected by the cold climate.  You have to protect yourself and blaming the environment is of no use.  If good thoughts and good behaviour are in you, you will remain unaffected, whatever be your surroundings.

(From "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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