Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Every Action in Daily Life

When you perform an activity as an offering to the Lord, your good, the higher good, and the highest good (swartha, parartha, and paramartha) - all become one - BABA

Every action in daily life should be turned into an act of devotion to God.

In Kashi (Benares) the municipal authorities appointed some persons to light the street lights. A sadhaka (spiritual aspirant) was one such employee. He had to fill the lamp with oil and fix a chimney to protect the flame. He used to go to every lamp singing the glory of Rama and cleaning the chimney and lighting the lamp while singing. The municipal authorities noticed that the lamps in the streets in which the sadhaka was lighting the lamps were shining brighter than those elsewhere. 

They found that a great devotee was lighting the lamps with devotion to God and this accounted for their exceptional brilliance. 

The moral of this story is that when you do any act in a spirit of dedication, as an offering to God, you can experience joy and find fulfillment.

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 13.7.1984)

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