Wednesday, August 9, 2023

The Mind


"When you think you are the body, you act at the physical level.  When you think you are the mind, you act at the mental plane.  When you know you are different from the body, you will be able to control the body.  When you are beyond the mind, you will be able to watch its action.  That is why we cannot console somebody who is in depression, because they imagine they are the mind.  This is the reason why in Western countries there is a great demand for psychiatrists.  Surgeons here in India become psychiatrists abroad.  Heart specialists here become psychiatrists there.  So the problem with the affluent societies, Western countries is the identification with the mind.  Frustration, disappointment, depression are all problems of identifying with the mind.  So having considered the coat, the body, it has to be given up.  Now comes the shirt, the mind.  It also has to be given up because you now know it is an obstacle, interference, and it makes you egotistical."

(From the book "Divine Directions" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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