Thursday, September 28, 2023

Give Up Body Attachment

We come to an important statement by Bhagawan.  "All sadhana, all spiritual paths, all spiritual endeavours, be they bhajan, meditation, the reading of scriptures, yajna or yaga, have only one purpose.  Any ritual, any spiritual discipline that you follow, is meant for only one purpose: to give up body attachment.  If we do spiritual practice with body attachment, all spiritual activity is a waste of time."

One has to give up body attachment.  Swami puts it this way: "You have attachment to the body.  When you reduce this, attachment to atma or the Self will replace body attachment.  You will experience realisation and attain liberation.  All spiritual practices or sadhana are directed towards this end."

Once in Kodaikanal when Swami was speaking, this author exclaimed in appreciation at Swami's talk.  When asked the reason, this author explained that when translating Baba's talk, he also experiences moments of ecstasy, when he lapses into forgetfulness - goes beyond limitations of the body.

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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