Monday, September 25, 2023

How to Experience Inner Silence

Another boy put this  question: "Swami, how is it possible to observe and to experience inner silence?"

Bhagawan replied, "As you don't observe outer silence, how can you observe inner silence?  First, observe outer silence, then you can experience inner silence."

He gave this example: "It is not enough if you think that you are the Self.  You should be convinced of the fact that you are the Self; that you are the Atma.  That feeling that "I am the Self, the Atma, the spirit" makes you experience silence.  It is possible to abide in silence if you think that God is within you.  But if you think that the world is in you, you may be silent outwardly, while disturbed within and ultimately, you become a mad cap!  That should not be the situation.  The inner silence is possible provided we feel God within our heart."

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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