Saturday, September 30, 2023

The Body

As we look after our cycle or car and give it the necessary petrol and oil, we have to take care of the body so that it may take us through the journey of our life. - BABA

"Do not try to cover up defects, or tendencies and habits which drag you down. When people go to a shop to purchase clothes to have dresses prepared for themselves, have you noticed that people prefer coloured materials to white? The answer they will give when you question them why they choose colour materials is, "It will not reveal dirt"! So, you see how anxious people are to hide their defects, instead of striving to remove them. They are so much attached to physical comfort and objective pleasure. 

Really speaking, the body must be treated as a wound that must be washed, bandaged, and treated with medicated ointment, 3 or 4 times a day. That’s the real purpose of food and drink. Thirst is the disease; water is the drug. Hunger is the disease; food is the medicine. Craving for pleasure is the disease for which detachment is the medicine!"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 16.3.1966)

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