Thursday, November 16, 2023

Baba's Storytime - The Title at Last

 Vis'vâmitra was upset that in spite of years of asceticism, his great rival, Vasishthha Muni addressed him only as Rajarishi, and not by the coveted appellation Brahmarishi (title meaning 'wise amongst the brahmins'). So, he crouched stealthily behind the seat of Vasishthha one moonlit night when he was teaching a group of disciples, determined to kill him with the sharp sword he had taken with him. He sat unseen amidst the bushes for a moment to listen to what Vasishthha was telling them. 

What was his surprise when he heard Vasishthha describing the charming moonlight and comparing it to the heart of Vis'vâmitra, cool, bright, curative, heavenly, universal, all-pleasing! The sword fell from his grasp. He ran forward and prostrating at the feet of his rival, he held the feet. 

Vasishthha recognised Vis'vâmitra and accosting him: "O Brahmarishi, rise up!", he lifted him on to his own seat. Vasishthha explained that he could not be styled Brahmarishi, so long as the ego persisted in him. When the swelling of the head disappeared and he fell at the feet of his rival, he became entitled for the honor he no longer coveted, and so deserved.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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