Monday, November 20, 2023

Get Immersed in God

No devotee should allow his faith in God to weaken under any circumstances. You will achieve victory by facing any adverse circumstance with faith in God - BABA

"People should establish the right relationship with God. This means that spiritual exercises like chanting the Lord’s names or meditation on God should not be verbal or mechanical but should come from the heart. Ravana was a worshipper of Shiva. But it was formal. His heart was not in it. So, he remained a rakshasa (demon). Today those who chant the Lord's name without their heart in it must be said to belong to the Ravana breed. People must pray to God with love for God and not for petty favours or material benefits! People must seek the Divine internally, not in external objects. Devotees should strive for transformation in their hearts and minds such that they totally give up their attachment to worldly objects and get immersed in God. God values your feelings and not your physical performances. Make the Lord's name the goad for controlling the mind which tends to behave like an elephant in rut."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 23.9.1997)

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