Monday, November 27, 2023


Words can plunge you into prison or release you into freedom - BABA

"Embodiments of Love! The power of speech gifted to mankind is very important and majestic. It gives him all the wealth. We should talk sweetly and softly in an acceptable manner. Only such sweet talk will give us affluence and prosperity. Words can win many friends and relations, and even kingdoms. We may have a few relations, but with our sweet talk, we can develop good relationships with the entire world. Sacred talk will give us all education and elevate us to exalted positions. We should also know that words spoken with bad thoughts and feelings will not only lead you to bondage but also put you to death. Good and bad are present in words we utter. For the one with sweet words, the universe itself becomes the mansion! He will feel the caste of humanity prevailing everywhere. To attain Divinity, one must take to the spiritual path. Good words coupled with humility will take you to higher levels!"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 11.9.1998)

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