Thursday, December 7, 2023

The Gifts


This life has been given to you to search and search for God.

You have been given eyes and vision to help you see the Supreme One, the Omnipotent Divinity.

The legs are given to enable you to visit the temple of God.

The hands have been given to you to perform puja with flowers to the Lord.

You have been provided with intelligence so that you may realise that all that you see around is a very temporary and transient phenomenon.

You have been given a mouth to sing the Glory of the Lord.

Ears have been given to you to listen to songs relating to the glory of a God.

You have been given a human body for doing good to other human beings.

You should put into practice the principles and codes of conduct and surrender your ego at the Lotus Feet of God residing in the heart.

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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