Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Power of Love


Only through non-attachment and renunciation can one acquire the competence to experience inner illumination. - BABA

"Embodiments of love! Your foremost aim today should be to recognise the power of love. God dwells in everyone's heart as love incarnate. The goal of life is to recognise this truth and share your love with those around you. Every human being should deem self-realisation as the main purpose of life and dedicate all his activities to the service of his fellow beings, with constant remembrance of God as the indweller in all. This is the way to redeem one's life. Renunciation is a very much misunderstood term. It is not merely giving up family and possessions. It is the total giving up of possessive feelings of any kind, whether they relate to family or other parochial attachments. Real renunciation means giving up all ideas of attachment to anything. Love can emerge only when there is such total detachment. Consider everything as a manifestation of God."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 14.9.1997)

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