Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Happy Buddha Poornima


On the sacred occasion of Buddha Poornima or Buddha Jayanti, what should be the lesson we must contemplate on and inculcate? 

"Buddha taught one great truth to the world. He declared that it is not what the Vedas and scriptures say that constitutes truth. People should bear in mind that non-harming is the supreme virtue. Do not cause harm to anyone by thought, word or deed. What does Poornima (full moon) signify? It signifies wholeness. When the mind is filled with love, it achieves fullness. As long as the mind is filled with darkness (evil thoughts), there is no meaning in observing Buddha Purnima. Get rid of this darkness. Without the light of love in the heart, what is the use of having illuminations outside? Light the lamp of the Divine in your minds. Banish hatred and envy from your hearts. Man is the victim of two evil planets: attachment and hatred (Raga and Dwesha). To escape from their grip, the only way is to cultivate love."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 15.5.1997)



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