Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Effects of Past Karma


Swamiji, it is said that the Darsan of Mahatmas rids one of the evil effects of past Karma; is that true?

When the consequences of Karma are wiped off, evil effects as well as good effects will disappear; the fire of Jnana will not distinguish the good from the bad; both are to be transcended; both are binding and transitory.  And by Darsan is meant, adoration, obedience, acceptance; it is to be followed by pariprasna and seva: inquiry and service.  Why, one can get rid of the effects of past Karma, if Karma or Action is done, with no sense of "I" or "mine".  

Once a man beat off a cow that strayed into his well-tended garden and ate off a few plants; the blows were so severe that the cow died and when people charged him with the crime, he said, "I did not kill it; it is God's will that it should die, as a consequence of the blow.  How could I help it?"

The next day, God himself entered the garden as a visitor and asked him, "This looks lovely; who planted these and tended them so lovingly?"  The man came forward and said, "I planted them; I watered them; I tended; I fostered".  I, I, I.  When it is something praiseworthy, "I" did it; when it is something blameworthy, God did it!  You must be consistent; say I for both or God for both.

(To be continued)

(From the book "The Light of Love")

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