Friday, July 19, 2024

Happy Guru Puurnima - 21st July 2024


"On this Guru Puurnima day, try to transform your heart making it pure and sacred.

Pavithram (purity) is the true characteristic of a human being. This purity should be manifested in everything one does: in his thoughts, in what he sees or says and in all that he does. It is only when you display such purity that you can become embodiments of the Divine Aathma. Then the distinction between the Divine and the mundane disappears. Everything becomes Divinised. The difference between the object and the subject will also go. Everything then becomes puurnam (the whole). The realisation of that wholeness is the real Guru Puurnima not the offer of paadha puuja (ritual homage to the feet) to some guru and obtaining a manthra from him.

Resolve today to turn your thoughts to God, to strive for the purification of your heart and to seek Self realisation."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Discourse on Guru Puurnima Day at Puurnachandra Auditorium,

Prashaanthi Nilayam, 13 July 1984)

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