Sunday, November 30, 2014

Horsley Hills


Years ago, Baba stayed for a few days at Horsley Hills, which is 3,800 ft. above sea level.  Twice a day He would take us to some beauty spot where we could peacefully learn from Him spiritual matters.

Our little camp situated as it was amid the hills was inaccessible except by jeep; so our food and water for drinking had to be hauled up by the villagers from the small hamlet at the foot of the hills; for other purposes a buffalo at the bungalow helped to transport water from a well, in skin bags slung across its back!

This quiet sylvan beauty was enjoyed by all and we were privileged to share it with Baba.  Then came the day when we had to break camp and return.  Baba proposed that we walk down together.  He suggested that we try and see who could run down the fastest!   

Baba interrupted, saying, "Wait, I will be back in a minute" and he went into the garden.  Some of us quietly followed Him and found Him taking leave of the buffalo!  He patted it affectionately saying, "You have done Me good service, Bangaroo," (a term of great affection, meaning Gold).

(From the book "Sathyam Sivam Sundaram" - Pt.III)

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