Tuesday, December 30, 2014

May all the Living Beings in all the Worlds be Happy

"You are all the sparks of the divine; you are all the sparks of God.  Therefore Bhagavan and you are one and the same.  You are not separate from Bhagavan.  Bhagavan is not separate from you.  With this feeling of oneness, total identification with Bhagavan, lead your life happily and blissfully.  Have the feeling that Bhagavan is with me, in me, around me, above me and below me."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba~

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Saturday, December 20, 2014

True Christmas Spirit

"Today (Christmas) is mainly celebrated by Christians but do not make the mistake that it is only for Christians.  It is a holy and happy occasion to be celebrated by the entire mankind.  Get rid of religious and philosophical differences and enlarge your matha (religion) and mathi (mind).  There is only one God, and He is the indweller of your heart.  If you realise this truth, the entire humanity becomes a single race.  There is only one religion in the universe and that is divine love (prema)."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 25.12.99)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Holy Night

There was a man who went out in the dark night to borrow live coals to kindle a fire. He went from hut to hut and knocked. "Dear friends, help me!" said he. "My wife has just given birth to a child, and I must make a fire to warm her and the little one."

But it was way in the night, and all the people were asleep. No one replied.

The man walked and walked. At last he saw the gleam of a fire a long way off. Then he went in that direction and saw that the fire was burning in the open. A lot of sheep were sleeping around the fire, and an old shepherd sat and watched over the flock.

When the man who wanted to borrow fire came up to the sheep, he saw that three big dogs lay asleep at the shepherd's feet. All three awoke when the man approached and opened their great jaws, as though they wanted to bark; but not a sound was heard. The man noticed that the hair on their backs stood up and that their sharp, white teeth glistened in the firelight. They dashed toward him.

He felt one of them bite at his leg and one at his hand and that one clung to his throat. But their jaws and teeth wouldn't obey them, and the man didn't suffer the least harm.

Now the man wished to go farther, to get what he needed. But the sheep lay back to back and so close to one another that he couldn't pass them. Then the man stepped upon their backs and walked over them and up to the fire. And not one of the animals awoke or moved.

When the man had almost reached the fire, the shepherd looked up. He was a surly old man, who was unfriendly and harsh toward human beings. And when he saw the strange man coming, he seized the long, spiked staff, which he always held in his hand when he tended his flock, and threw it at him. The staff came right toward the man, but, before it reached him, it turned off to one side and whizzed past him, far out in the meadow.

Now the man came up to the shepherd and said to him: "Good man, help me, and lend me a little fire! My wife has just given birth to a child, and I must make a fire to warm her and the little one."

The shepherd would rather have said no, but when he pondered that the dogs couldn't hurt the man, and the sheep had not run from him, and that the staff had not wished to strike him, he was a little afraid, and dared not deny the man that which he asked.

"Take as much as you need!" he said to the man.

But then the fire was nearly burnt out. There were no logs or branches left, only a big heap of live coals, and the stranger had neither spade nor shovel wherein he could carry the red-hot coals.

When the shepherd saw this, he said again: "Take as much as you need!" And he was glad that the man wouldn't be able to take away any coals.

But the man stopped and picked coals from the ashes with his bare hands, and laid them in his mantle. And he didn't burn his hands when he touched them, nor did the coals scorch his mantle; but he carried them away as if they had been nuts or apples.

And when the shepherd, who was such a cruel and hardhearted man, saw all this, he began to wonder to himself. What kind of a night is this, when the dogs do not bite, the sheep are not scared, the staff does not kill, or the fire scorch? He called the stranger back and said to him: "What kind of a night is this? And how does it happen that all things show you compassion?"

 Then said the man: "I cannot tell you if you yourself do not see it." And he wished to go his way, that he might soon make a fire and warm his wife and child.

But the shepherd did not wish to lose sight of the man before he had found out what all this might portend. He got up and followed the man till they came to the place where he lived.

Then the shepherd saw the man didn't have so much as a hut to dwell in, but that his wife and babe were lying in a mountain grotto, where there was nothing except the cold and naked stone walls.

But the shepherd thought that perhaps the poor innocent child might freeze to death there in the grotto; and, although he was a hard man, he was touched, and thought he would like to help it. And he loosened the knapsack from his shoulder, took from it a soft white sheepskin, gave it to the strange man, and said that he should let the child sleep on it.

But just as soon as he showed that he, too, could be merciful, his eyes were opened, and he saw what he had not been able to see before, and heard what he could not have heard before.

He saw that all around him stood a ring of little silver-winged angels, and each held a stringed instrument, and all sang in loud tones that tonight the Saviour was born who should redeem the world from its sins.

Then he understood how all things were so happy this night that they didn't want to do anything wrong.

And it was not only around the shepherd that there were angels, but he saw them everywhere. They sat inside the grotto, they sat outside on the mountain, and they flew under the heavens. They came marching in great companies, and, as they passed, they paused and cast a glance at the child.

There was such jubilation and such gladness and songs and play! And all this he saw in the dark night whereas before he could not have made out anything. He was so happy because his eyes had been opened that he fell upon his knees and thanked God.

What that shepherd saw, we might also see, for the angels fly down from heaven every Christmas Eve, if we could only see them.

You must remember this, for it is as true, as true as that I see you and you see me. It is not revealed by the light of lamps or candles, and it does not depend upon sun and moon; but that which is needful is that we have such eyes as can see God's glory.

~ Selma Lagerlof ~

The Purpose of Human Life

"What is the purpose of human life?  To eat, drink and roam about?  No.  No.  The birds and beasts also do that.  That is not what is expected of a human being.  A human being must inculcate the human values of Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa.  They have to be propagated.  They must become part and parcel of our daily life and must be reflected in our behaviour."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 4.11.2002)

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Be a Hero, Not a Zero

 "God is not merely moved by sweet words.  You must translate your words into action.  You may be a great hero in giving lectures on platform but if you are a zero in putting them into action, it will be of no use.  You must become heroes in practice.  That is what gives me happiness."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 25.12.2002)

Divine Wisdom

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Attain the Grace of God

"Try to attain the grace of God.  Do not be deterred by difficulties and losses.  When you have God on your side, you can achieve anything; all your difficulties and suffering will vanish in a trice.  When omnipotent God is within you, why should you be worried about trivial matters?  Love is the divine power that bestows on you the courage to overcome difficulties.  Anything can be achieved with the power of love.  You should be afraid of sin, not difficulties."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 28.8.2004)

God and Flowers

Christmas Shopping

I was finishing up my Christmas shopping today at a local department store when I noticed something. As I looked around me I didn’t see a single smiling face. The store was crowded too. 

The traffic was elbow to elbow as everyone was trying to get all the presents on their lists. Heads were down. Looks were intense. As I looked from person to person I saw worry, tension, stress, frustration, anger, and many scowls but not a single smile. 

This to me seemed so very wrong. In their hurry to meet Christmas obligations everyone in the store seemed to forget what the true spirit of the season was. I decided, however, not to be mad at them or to leave the store. I myself had been in their position before. I decided instead to try a little experiment. I began to smile joyfully and say "hi" to each person that I passed. I also began to use my kindest "excuse me" and "thank you" whenever I needed to get around someone. 

The effects of this experiment were instantaneous and incredible. You should have seen the scowls melt and the smiles appear. People’s faces seeing the love and joy in my own began to glow in love and joy as well. Bodies that were tense and tight began to relax and loosen as the peace of the souls inside of them took over again. The people talked with me happily and their words took on an almost song-like quality. It became a truly glorious shopping trip. 

It is clear to me now that holiday stress will always flee from the God given spirit of Christmas joy. Remember then to keep your heart, mind, and spirit focused on the true meaning of Christmas. The gift of God’s love for us is greater than any gift you can buy in the store. God bless you all. Merry Christmas. 

~ Joe Mazzella ~

I Am Ready

Patient, ever patient, is the captain of my ship,
The wind blows, and restless are the sails;
Even the rudder begs direction;
Yet quietly the captain awaits my silence.
And these my mariners, who have heard the choir of
the greater sea, they too have heard me patiently.
Now they shall wait no longer.
I am ready.

~ Kahlil Gibran ~

The Most Amazing Thing on Earth

"When once Brahma asked the sage Narada what was the most amazing thing he noticed on earth, Narada replied, "The most amazing thing I saw was this - the dying are weeping over the dead.  Those who are themselves nearing death are weeping over those who have died, as if their weeping has any effect, either to revive the dead or prevent their own death!"

Brahma asked him to tell another.

  Narada said, "Another sequence is: Everyone fears the consequence of sin but goes on sinning nevertheless! Everyone craves for the consequence of punya (meritorious acts), but everyone is reluctant to do any meritorious act!"

(Chinna Katha from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Friday, December 12, 2014

Divine Wisdom


"He who knows his true identity is a true aspirant.  
Without realising this truth, all spiritual Sadhana will be a waste of time."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 26.9.1998)

Transformation Knowledge


 "Information-oriented knowledge makes man a machine, a computer;
whereas transformation-oriented knowledge makes man a composer."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse on 20.11.1998 on the occasion
of the First Overseas Convention of Chairpersons of Sai Centres.)

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Quotable Quotes

Help Thy Brother ...

"Help thy brother's boat across and lo!  thine own has reached the shore."
~ Hindu proverb ~

An old Zen story tells of a time in Japan when paper lanterns were commonly used, with a candle burning inside.  The friend of a blind man who had visited him that night offered him such a lantern for the journey home.

"I need no lantern," the blind man proclaimed.  "Darkness and light are all the same for me!"

Nevertheless, his friend urged him to take a lantern for the journey home and eventually though with some bad grace, the blind man agreed.

"I'm glad you've decided to do this," said the friend.  "For although you make no distinction between darkness and light, others do.  If you had no lantern, someone might run into you."

The blind man grumbled his thanks as he took the lantern and set off home.  He had not gone very far when someone bumped into him, sending him stumbling.

"Hoi there, look where you're going!"  exclaimed the blind man.  "Can't you see my lantern?"

"I cannot," the stranger replied.  "Your candle has blown out, brother ....."

In expecting the unexpected, I listen to advice, help others along the way - and carry a bell as well as a paper lantern!

(From the book "A Little Book of Joy" by Stephen Bowkett)

The Forest and I

We sat together, the forest and I,
merging into silence,
Until only the forest remained.

~ Li Po ~

Monday, December 8, 2014

Where is Peace?

"Today everybody longs for peace.  But where is peace?  You do not find peace anywhere in the world.  You see only pieces!  In fact, man's heart is breaking into pieces today.  How can then peace be acquired?

There is only one solution to this problem.  Love God.  Have faith in God.  Surrender unto Him.  Dedicate your whole life to God and perform all actions as an offering to Him.  Let all your actions help others.  Help ever, hurt never.

You may think that you need not bother when others are undergoing suffering.  Who knows what is in store for you the next moment?  If you wish to be always happy, pray for the welfare of others.  This is the real Sadhana."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(From Bhagawan's Christmas Message - 25.12.2002)


 "It was Christmas and the foreign monks had decided to celebrate it.  They invited some laypeople as well as Ajahn Chah to join them.  The laypeople were generally upset and skeptical.  Why, they asked, were Buddhists celebrating Christmas?

Ajahn Chah then gave a talk on religion in which he said, "As far as I understand, Christianity teaches people to do good and avoid evil, just as Buddhism does, so what is the problem?  However, if people are upset by the idea of celebrating Christmas, that can be easily remedied.  We won't call it Christmas.  Let's call it "Christ-Buddhamas".

Anything that inspires us to see what is true and do what is good is proper practice.  You may call it any name you like."

(From the book "No Ajhan Chah - Reflections")

Divine Wisdom


"All should become united.  If you really want to see God,
first see Him in everyone."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 27.5.2006)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Serve Others


"Do not always accept the service of others: rather, try to serve others to the extent possible.  When you serve others, think that you are serving God.  Do all actions to please God.  All your actions will become meaningful only when you do them with the motive of pleasing God.  Never do anything with a selfish motive.  Today you are here.  Tomorrow you may be somewhere else.  Nothing is permanent.  Only love is permanent."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 14.4.2006)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Krishna Murari Bhava Bhaya Hari


Krishna Murari Bhava Bhaya Hari Hey Giridhari Gopal
Parthi Vihari Hrudaya Vihhari Bhakta Sakha Bhagawan
Hey Bhakta Sakha Bhagawan Bhakta Sakha Bhagawan

O Lord Krishna!  Thou art the slayer of the demon Mura,
the holder of the mountain, the destroyer of the fear 
of the bondage of birth and death,
and the resident of Parthi and of our hearts.
Thou art friend and kinsman to devotees.


Celestial Poems of Sathya Sai Baba


"Of what use is so much learning?
Is it possible to erase the fate written on your forehead?
If evil feelings are harboured in the head,
It blunts the mind and dries it up to a trickle!"

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Love is God

"If we worship God only to fulfil our desires, then it is not true worship.  Our love and devotion for God should be changeless.  It should not change under any circumstances.  Love is the very form of God.  Love is God. Live in love."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse in Kodaikanal - 14.4.2006)

Quotable Quotes



Friday, December 5, 2014

Voices and Choices

 It happens to me too,
the voices and choices
are too much at times
and I need a quiet place,
just me and the moon
or me and the sky,
a place where I can hear God whisper
reminding me to breathe,
asking me to 'hold on'
and when I hear this,
I know everything will be O.K.

~ Ron Atchison ~

Bhakthi Is Above All

Once Narada was asked to name the most noteworthy among the things of the world.  He answered that the Earth was the biggest.  But he was told water has occupied three-fourths of the Earth; it threatens to swallow up the balance too, bit by bit.  So water, he had to agree, was more powerful.  

However, water too was drunk up by the sage Agasthya and the oceans were rendered dry by him, and he, in turn, is now just a star in the sky!  

Is the sky the biggest, then?  No.  For it was covered by one single foot of the Vamana-avarhara of the Lord.  

And the Lord?  O, He enters the hearts of the devotees and resides there. 

 So Narada had to conclude that the hearts of Bhakthas are the grandest things in creation!

(Chinna Katha from the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

Let It Merge

I, I, I, myself, I,
Individualized ignorance asking who, what, and why.
Not Self at all ...
That ego we call
I, I, I, myself, I.
I saw it, I did it,
I lost or I won,
I'm attached to my mother, my daughter, my son,
I'm elated, dejected, loved or rejected.

I'm so incomplete
Oh, please, Baba, 
Dissolve this I at Your lotus feet.
Let it merge with You
And blissfully be
Sai, Sai, Sai, the Self, Sai.

~ J. Thomas ~
(Sanathana Sarathi - Aug. 1986)

Divine Wisdom

"Once you acquire God's grace, the consequences of your actions will have no effect on you.  In order to make the consequences of your actions to "expire", prayer is essential.  You have to pray wholeheartedly."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 29.9.1998)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Transformation of Man

"The transformation of man is based on transformation of the mind.  When men are transformed, the nation is transformed.  When nations change, the world is transformed.  Hence, if the world has to be changed,there has to be a mental transformation at the individual level.  The human mind should be filled with love."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Divine Discourse - 13.2.1997)

Let All The Worlds Be Happy

Does God Dance ... On Your Potato Chips?

Not too long ago I had "one of those days." I was feeling pressure from a writing deadline. I had company arriving in a couple days and the toilet was clogged. I went to the bank, and the trainee teller processing my deposit had to start over three times. I swung by the supermarket to pick up a few things and the lines were serpentine. By the time I got home, I was frazzled and sweaty and in a hurry to get something on the table for dinner.

Deciding on Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup, I grabbed a can opener, cranked open the can, then remembered I had forgotten to buy milk at the store. Nix the soup idea. Setting the can aside, I went to plan B, which was leftover baked beans. I grabbed a Tupperware from the fridge, popped the seal, took a look and groaned. My husband isn't a picky eater, but even HE won't eat baked beans that look like caterpillars. Really frustrated now, I decided on a menu that promised to be as foolproof as it is nutrition-free: hot dogs and potato chips.

Retrieving a brand new bag of chips from the cupboard, I grabbed the cellophane and gave a hearty pull. The bag didn't open. I tried again. Nothing happened. I took a breath, doubled my muscle, and gave the bag a hearty wrestle. With a loud pop, the cellophane suddenly gave way, ripping wide from top to bottom. Chips flew sky high. I was left holding the bag, and it was empty. It was the final straw. I let out a blood curdling scream. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!"

My husband heard my unorthodox cry for help. Within minutes he was standing at the doorway to the kitchen, where he surveyed the damage: an opened can of soup, melting groceries, moldy baked beans, and one quivering wife standing ankle deep in potato chips. My husband did the most helpful thing he could think of at the moment. He took a flying leap, landing flat-footed in the pile of chips. And then he began to stomp and dance and twirl, grinding those chips into my linoleum in the process! I stared. I fumed. Pretty soon I was working to stifle a smile. Eventually I had to laugh. And finally I decided to join him. I, too, took a leap onto the chips. And then I danced.

Now I'll be the first to admit that my husband's response wasn't the one I was looking for. But the truth is, it was exactly what I needed. I didn't need a cleanup crew as much as I needed an attitude adjustment, and the laughter from that rather funky moment provided just that. So now I have a question for you, and it's simply this: Has God ever stomped on your chips?

I know that, in my life, there have been plenty of times when I've gotten myself into frustrating situations and I've cried out for help, all the while hoping God would show up with a celestial broom and clean up the mess I've made of things. What often happens instead is that God dances on my chips, answering my prayer in a completely different manner than I had expected, but in the manner that is best for me after all. Sometimes I can see right away that God's response was the best one after all. Sometimes I have to wait weeks or months before I begin to understand how and why God answered a particular prayer the way he did. There are even some situations that, years later, I'm still trying to understand. I figure God will fill me in sooner or later, either this side of Heaven or beyond.

Do I trust Him? Even when he's answering my prayers in a way that is completely different from my expectations? Even when he's dancing and stomping instead of sweeping and mopping? Can I embrace what He's offering?

Can I let His joy adjust my attitude? Am I going to stand on the sidelines and sulk, or am I willing to learn the steps of the dance he's dancin' with my needs in mind?

I'll be honest with you: Sometimes I sulk. Sometimes I dance. I'm working on doing more of the latter than the former. I guess the older I get the more I realize that He really does know what He's doing. He loves me and I can trust Him. Even when the chips are down.

~ Author Unknown ~

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cleansing Operation

"Be pure in words and deeds and keep impure thoughts away.  I am in every one of you, so I become aware of the slightest wave of thoughts.  When the clothes become dirty, you have to give them a wash.  When your mind is soiled, you have to be born again for the cleansing operations."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Celestial Poems of Sathya Sai Baba

"Krishna!  Sing on your flute,
So that the sweet melodies of your love
Will sow seeds of Love in the desert sands of lovelessness.
Sing!  O Krishna!  Sing on your flute with ecstasy of love,
So that there will be showers of love,
And rivers of love flowing profusely."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Divine Wisdom

"Dear ones!  You are not different from Me.  I am in you and you are in Me.  As I love you, you should also love one and all.  Then your love and My love will unite.  If you add love to love, it will increase immensely.  You can achieve greatness only when you develop love in you.  This is the service you have to render.  Only when you develop love will you become deserving of God's love and grace."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(From Bhagavan's Discourse in Chennai on
27.1.2007 on the occasion of Ati Rudra Maha Yajna)


"We call the home, "Bhavan".  The word has two syllables, Bha and Van.  If there is no Bha (Bhagavan) in the home, if the light of God does not shine therein, it is only a Van or jungle."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~
(Sanathana Sarathi - May 2007)

The Matter with Man

What's the matter with man?
Matter's the matter with man,
Nothing else, only that.
Well, also the mind.

Where do I start?
Pay no mind to matter,
Then matter you will not mind.
Peace of mind you will find.

What next do I do?
With matter and mind no concern to you.
Be smart and follow your heart,
That is really quite an auspicious start!

~ Hal Honig ~
(Sanathana Sarathi - March 1998)