Thursday, June 4, 2015

Baba's Storytime - Nature

Once some Sannyasins (renunciants) were walking along the bank of the Ganga.  Looking at the sublimely flowing Ganga, they were experiencing great bliss.  

At one place, a big depression was caused due to fall of water from a great height, resulting in the formation of foam there.  From somewhere, a scorpion came and fell into the foam.  Seeing the scorpion, one of the renunciants lamented, "Ah!  This scorpion is caught in the foam and is not able to come out of it."

To save this scorpion, the renunciant got into the water and put his hand in the foam.  At once, the scorpion bit at his hand.  He again put his hand in the foam and the scorpion again bit him.  Even then the renunciant did not leave his attempt to save the scorpion.  Without caring how many times it bit him, the renunciant ultimately succeeded in bringing it to the bank.

Seeing this, the other renunciants commented, "The scorpion did not stop biting you though you were trying to save it.  This indeed is its nature.  But you have taken great pains to save it!"  Then that renunciant replied, "Yes, this scorpion taught me a good lesson about one's true nature.  It did not forget its nature even when it was caught between life and death.  But I am a human being.  Kindness to all beings is man's true nature.  When being a scorpion, it did not leave its nature, how can I, being a human, leave my nature?  By saving this scorpion, I have merely manifested my true nature.  There is nothing so very special about it."

Man can realise the truth of his reality only when he recognises his Dharma or true nature.

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