Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Baba's Storytime - The Glory of Raama's Sandals

Once, while moving about in the forest, Raama and Lakshmana sat under a tree. At that time, they heard the neighing of horses and the cries of elephants at a distance. Raama asked Lakshmana to find out how horses and elephants happened to appear in the forest. 

Lakshmana climbed a tree and noticed Bharatha coming with a huge army. Immediately he exclaimed' "Brother! Get ready for battle. Take up your bow and arrows." 

Raama smiled at Lakshmana and said, "Why are you so excited? Do not be hasty. Calm yourself. What has happened?" 

Lakshmana replied, "Bharatha is coming with an army to kill us." 

Raama said' "Lakshmana! What a serious mistake you are making! It is impossible for any action of the Ikshvaaku clan to think of such a preposterous idea even in dream. Because we two were not present in Ayodhya when Bharatha and Shatrughna returned to the capital, they are now coming to see us." Raama sought to pacify Lakshmana. 

Lakshmana replied: "What is this forbearance and sympathy on your part? If they merely wanted to see us, will they come with a huge army? No. they are coming only to slay us." 

Raama said' "Lakshmana! You are too much dominated by Raajasik tendencies. You seem to be attached to kingship. Why worry? Bharatha is coming. I shall ask him to crown you as king. You may go with him." 

Even as Raama was speaking thus, Bharatha came rushing towards Raama, fell at his feet crying: "Raama! Raama! Raama!" and said: "I am not competent to rule over Ayodhya. To reign over the kingdom Raamachandhra alone is worthy as' the eldest son of Dhasharatha. You alone are fit to role over the kingdom properly and establish Raama Raajya. Please return to Ayodhya." Thus pleaded Bharatha. 

As Bharatha was entreating in this manner, Raama looked smilingly at Lakshmana. "Compare your feelings with the expressions of Bharatha," he said. Sage Vashishtha also joined in the appeal to Raama to return to Ayodhya. But Raama did not yield to Bharata's entreaties and, acting according to Vashishtha's directions, offered his sandals to Bharatha and asked Bharatha to perform the coronation for the Paadhukas (divine sandals). 

You must recognise the inner significance of this episode. People generally regard the sandals as objects to be despised. But Raama taught a different lesson about them. Raama treated the kingdom and the sandals on par. "I don't want a crown. Enthrone my sandals." Acting on Raama's injunctions, Bharatha performed the coronation of Raama's sandals and spent his time peacefully, contemplating on Raama. 

(From Bhagawan's Discourse on 9.4.1995))

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