Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Old Habits Die Hard

I always envisioned
That heavens had crystalline mansions,
With golden bells
Enriched with enchanting fragrance,
From the most exotic flowers.

I always thought
That God is somewhere in Paradise,
And all life forces
Were under His command.

But one fine day,
I stopped weaving
My threads of imagination
As I witnessed the Glory of Sai,
Pure and unsullied.

The flow of compassion
In His steady gaze,
Verily transformed
The Earth into Heaven.

His Presence
Is in the depths of our hearts,
Hence the sweetest Lord responds
Even before you can call.

Old habits die hard,
And now I imagine once again
Of those noble souls in Heaven
Envying our good fortune,
Since the Lord of Lords
Is in our immediate presence.

~ Raja Sekhar Ganta ~
(From his book "108 Heart Beats")

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