Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Four F's

"There are four F's that you will have to fix before your attention: (1) Follow the Master (2) Face the Devil (3) Fight to the End and (4) Finish at the Goal. ‘Follow the Master’ means, observe Dharma. ‘Face the Devil’ means, overcome the temptations that beset you when you try to earn artha (wealth or the wherewithal to live in comfort). ‘Fight to the End’ means, struggle ceaselessly; wage war against the six enemies that are led by kama (lust). And finally, ‘Finish at the Goal' means, do not stop until the goal of Moksha (liberation from ignorance and delusion) is reached."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 6.7.1975)

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