Thursday, June 24, 2021

What I Seek From You

"There is only one thing I seek from all of you. Fill your hearts with love. Offer that love to Me. I don’t ask anything from anyone. It is enough if you develop love and share it with others. It is only when you are happy that you can make others happy. 

What is happiness? It is union with God. By chanting the Name of God, you will experience happiness. Good and sacred acts like worship, japa, and meditation are useful for sanctifying time. But they are not ends in themselves. They are tinged with worldliness. But what is needed is positive action, dedicated to the Divine. Then you will be free from disease. Only by having pure thoughts can you be hale and hearty. Have no ill will toward anybody. 

I have no hatred for anyone. Hence no one hates Me; all are love-filled beings for Me! I desire that all of you should be blissful!

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse, Feb 25, 1998)

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