Thursday, September 2, 2021

A Wonderful Story


Swami once told the Students of the Higher Secondary

School a wonderful story:

A Man saw before his eyes all the events of his
life passing by, and as He looked closely he found
that in some phases of his life there were 2 sets of
footprints, then to his great Joy he saw that those
were the moments in life where there was great
Happiness and Joy. He prayed to God saying "You were
always with me at every stage in my life, I shall
never forget you at any time." Then as he saw more
closely there were some periods in his life where
there were only one set of footprints, and as he
observed more closely he saw that those moments were
his darkest days full of Despair, Unhappiness, Sorrow
and Suffering, then he exclaimed to God, "You were with
me in my moments of Happiness and Joy, but I walked
alone in my moments of Sadness and Sorrow, why did you
forsake me, I have never forgotten you at any stage in
life?" Then God said, "During your moments of
Happiness and Joy I walked with you, in your moments
of Despair and Sadness, it was I who carried you".

Swami carries everyone during our moments of Sadness,
it is we who sometimes forget him, He never does.



(From "Experiences by Devotees of Sri Sathya Sai Baba")

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