Friday, September 3, 2021

"I Am in God"

Q136: Swami!  Is it proper to say that "I am in God"?  Or should I say that "God is in me"?  Which of the two is appropriate?

Bhagawan: Our scripture says "sarvam vis n umayam jagat".  God is all pervasive.  He encompasses the entire Universe.  "Vasudevas sarmiti", "is ava syamidagm sarvam" are our scriptural dicta.  They make it very clear that the entire cosmos is in Him.

It is correct to say that you are in God.  It is not correct to say that God is in you.  Of course, when the whole Universe is in Him, naturally you are in Him.  How?  A small example.  You are holding in your hand a rose flower.  It means that the rose flower is small and you are big.  Since God is infinite, the world is in Him.  But if you put it in the reverse order by saying that God is in you, you become bigger than God.  This is not a proper feeling.  You are a spark of that divine.  "mamaivamso jivaloke  jivabhutah sanatanah" says the Gita.

(From "Satyonpanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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