Sunday, October 24, 2021

Divinity (2)

Q18: Swami!  When the same divinity is present in everyone, why should differences exist?  Divinity being the same, why are we so different from each other?

Bhagawan: Ekamevadvitiyam brahma - "God is one without a second", says the scripture.  Then how do we account for the variety, diversity, differences and so on?  A small example to understand this.  Power supply being the same, don't you find the difference in the voltage of the bulbs that illumine?  A bulb with a low voltage gives you light of low intensity and a bulk with a high voltage illumines more brightly.  Don't they?  But at the same time, electricity is one and the same.  Bulbs are different in their voltage and this determines the intensity of light.  Similarly, our bodies are like those bulbs with the inner current of the same Divinity.

(To be continued)

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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