Monday, October 25, 2021

Roof Darshan

Swami got a new car that night - a maroon Jaguar!  After the talks and bhajans, Swami went outside and gave darshan and the boys sang.  Swami then broke coconuts and blessed the car and the coconut water flew all over Robert.  Swami smiled and Robert got padanamaskar.  Swami got into the car and drove around the compound.  When He was in sight again, Swami's head was sticking out of the top of the car giving "Sun Visor Roof Darshan".  His sense of humour is delightful!  Yes, the car had a sun roof and little Swami was standing on the front seat with His black halo blowing in the wind from the car roof.  Everyone loved it!

(From the book "Sai Humour" by Peggy Mason)

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