Sunday, December 5, 2021

Spiritual Ladder


During the Tamil New Year (April 1995) Discourse, Swami referred to a previous speaker and said, "Mugundan mentioned in his speech that if you take ten steps, Bhagawan will take a hundred steps towards you."

Swami went on to say with a mischievous grin, "It depends in which direction you take your steps.  If you take ten steps towards evil, falsehood, injustice and wickedness, will I take a hundred steps towards you?  No, never!"

Swami followed on saying, "The steps should lead upwards spiritually, if you climb ten steps I will help you to climb a hundred steps.  You should move in the right direction, not the wrong one.  You have no concept of God's concern, your thoughts are on thamas (inertia) while God's thoughts are on thapas (penance), Swami concluded amidst the laughter.

(From the book "Sai Humour")

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